Myths & Legends
epub |eng | 2023-11-15 | Author:Aaron Oster [Oster, Aaron]

34 There was a general sense of grumbling, blinking, and rubbing of eyes when Keith and the group of over fifty people arrived back in the Fourliance. He’d made sure ...
( Category: Asian May 31,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-01-23 | Author:Elise Hennessy [Hennessy, Elise]

Chapter 22 Winter Winds We began new skirmishes with the Rathi that next morning, and no true progress was made as the days turned into weeks and the air chilled ...
( Category: Mythical Creatures May 26,2024 )
epub |eng | 2022-09-26 | Author:Elise Hennessy [Hennessy, Elise]

“Getting in’s the easy part, trust me,” Ellie said as she led us down to Lord Gadric’s classroom. At his age, he didn’t burn the midnight oil like he used ...
( Category: Mythical Creatures May 26,2024 )
epub |eng | 2021-08-02 | Author:Luna Fox & F. Lowberry [Fox, Luna]

Reading through Ludovic’s journals, as well as the ancient tomes already available at Stone Castle, gave Joanna many of the answers she sought. Still, many of the passages were vague ...
( Category: Mythical Creatures May 26,2024 )
epub |eng | 2021-10-20 | Author:Elana A. Mugdan [Mugdan, Elana A.]

After a long meeting in the Council Chamber, Seba was finally in her palace room. She’d told her friends that she was packing, and that was true to some extent, ...
( Category: Mythical Creatures May 26,2024 )
epub |eng | 2021-05-01 | Author:AUGUST

21 Under Control "Mr. Gustkin, are you grumpy again today?" I was sitting by the fire with a blanket wrapped over my shoulders. The weather was not any better today, ...
( Category: Arthurian May 26,2024 )
epub |eng | 2021-06-18 | Author:Antoine Bandele [Bandele, Antoine]

26 The Whispering Tree Manny already had plans that weekend. First with her crossover team, who were taking on Camp Loa from Haiti on Saturday, and second with some family ...
( Category: Myths & Legends May 26,2024 )
epub |eng | 2021-07-20 | Author:Holloway, Jo

( Category: Mythical Creatures May 26,2024 )
mobi |eng | 2023-03-16 | Author:Abigail Manning [Manning, Abigail]

chapter twenty-three Priscilla’s shock was more powerful than any of the blows Mortalia had ever delivered to her. The man she’d saved, the stranger who had confirmed her divinity, and ...
( Category: Greek & Roman May 22,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-11-14 | Author:Caren Hahn [Hahn, Caren]

48 LIKE A FAUN FINDS ITS WAY HOME Wynne’s sword bumped against her leg as she descended the steps to the flat beach near the waterfall. The air churning with ...
( Category: Mythical Creatures May 22,2024 )
epub | | | Author:Unknown

( Category: Greek & Roman May 18,2024 )
pdf | | | Author:Monsters of the Forbidden Woods

( Category: Mythical Creatures May 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-14 | Author:Unknown

CHAPTER 15 Ted Truville ordered the company to break camp as soon as they had eaten the next morning. Chris, who had slept in a borrowed blanket on the floor ...
( Category: Myths & Legends May 10,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-10-24 | Author:Kohanek, Jeffrey L.

A thump shook Ian’s bed, waking him. He sat up in the darkness and struck his head on the bunk above him. The pain made him wince and press his ...
( Category: Mythical Creatures May 8,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-09-29 | Author:Riia Ai [Ai, Riia]

“There you go, all done. I made it into a pendant so it’ll look stylish. Also…black is Macro’s favorite color.” “K-Kiefer!” Macro likes the color black? That alone is enough ...
( Category: Mythical Creatures May 5,2024 )